Adult premiered at Abrons Art Center in January 2014, featuring Jimmie James and Betsy Hogg.
When Stanley invites his estranged 18 year old daughter to spend her first winter break from college with him in his recently robbed row home that doubles as a gun shop, he is stunned by a stray jolt of the unfamiliar: a home suddenly alive with disquiet, and a shocking glimpse at a life with potential.
Director: Ian Morgan
Produced by Darling & Company in association with terraNOVA Collective
"Remarkable...ADULT acquires a kind of quiet force." - The Village Voice
"(4 out of 5 stars) It's a blessing and relief to see people on stage like Stanley and Tara: beautifully drawn...treated with rough, cuffing affection by their portraitist...Masciotti has made brilliantly - two rich characters...Her character work can't be surpassed" - Time Out New York
"Christina Masciotti treats her characters with a kindness and patience that are usually accorded to only the very young or very old...This playwright has a distinctive gift for finding an original poetry in everyday speech." - The New York Times
Circle X Theater, Los Angeles (developmental reading) May 2014
Abrons Arts Center, January 2014
Adult is made possible with support from The Puffin Foundation, LMCC, and the generous contributions of many individual patrons.
Photography by Oren R. Cohen/Stephen Dobay
Adult premiered at Abrons Art Center in January 2014, featuring Jimmie James and Betsy Hogg.
When Stanley invites his estranged 18 year old daughter to spend her first winter break from college with him in his recently robbed row home that doubles as a gun shop, he is stunned by a stray jolt of the unfamiliar: a home suddenly alive with disquiet, and a shocking glimpse at a life with potential.
Director: Ian Morgan
Produced by Darling & Company in association with terraNOVA Collective
"Remarkable...ADULT acquires a kind of quiet force." - The Village Voice
"(4 out of 5 stars) It's a blessing and relief to see people on stage like Stanley and Tara: beautifully drawn...treated with rough, cuffing affection by their portraitist...Masciotti has made brilliantly - two rich characters...Her character work can't be surpassed" - Time Out New York
"Christina Masciotti treats her characters with a kindness and patience that are usually accorded to only the very young or very old...This playwright has a distinctive gift for finding an original poetry in everyday speech." - The New York Times
Circle X Theater, Los Angeles (developmental reading) May 2014
Abrons Arts Center, January 2014
Adult is made possible with support from The Puffin Foundation, LMCC, and the generous contributions of many individual patrons.
Photography by Oren R. Cohen/Stephen Dobay